Friday, 24 July 2015

Backyard BBQ Battle - First 6 episodes

Over the past few days, my BBQ friend Bill Pudim and I have been involved in the filming of a brand new grilling-bbq show for Eastlink TV.

Coming soon to a TV set near you is Backyard BBQ Battle.

2 grillmasters
Canada vs USA
New school vs old school
simplicity vs complexity
1 ingredient... cooked in 2 very different ways.

The whole experience this week required a learning curve.  We had a great crew from Eastlink that really pushed us in order to get the best shots under a tight shooting deadline.  

Some of the Eastlink crew : James, Neil, and show host Stewart

During the two days, we were able to shoot 6 episodes and 6 cooking tips.  We will gather again in August to shoot 6 more episodes.  All of these will be edited and will air on Eastlink TV this fall.

Thanks to our meat Sponsor Clancy's Meat Co.  It was an honour to be able to feature their wonderful meat on our show.

Here are a few more pics from the day of shooting including a few money shots of our food creations.

Pork Tenderloin

Our judges table.  Thanks to Jennie Doucet-Leblanc from Uniquely Yours Design for the set design.

Photo by Marc Durocher Photography
Photo by Marc Durocher Photography

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